作者:東楚展覽來源: 發表時間:2021-04-18 17:17:33關注 次 | 查看所有評論
Asia-Pacific Perishable Logistics and Cold-chain Exhibition (PLCE 2021)
展會日期:2021年8月16-18日 地點:廣州·廣交會展館B區
Date: March 4th-6th, 2021 Venue: China Import and Export Fair Complex
80000㎡展會規模 700家參展商 80000名觀眾
80,000m2 Show Floor 700 Exhibitors 80,000 Visitors
展位預定:姜濤(經理) 手機:158-2029-8864(同V信)
【主辦單位】廣東省對外經濟合作企業協會|廣東省經銷商商會 |中國商業聯合會智慧商業分會|亞洲商業與辦公供應商聯盟協會|廣東鴻威國際會展集團有限公司
【Hosted by】
Guangdong Enterprises Association for Foreign Economic Cooperation
Guangdong Dealers Chamber of Commerce
China Smart Commercial Sub-Council (CSCSC)
Asia Business and Office Supplier Association
Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group
【Supported by】
Cool Store Branch of China Association of Warehousing and Distribution (CAWD)
Guangdong Provincial Transportation Association
Guangdong Refrigeration Association
Guangdong Logistics Profession Association
Guangdong Medical Industry Association
Asia Pacific Vending Industry Association
Agricultural Cold Chain Committee of China Communication and Transportation Association
China HVACR Magazine
Chengdu Cold Chain Logistics Commercial Association
【Organized by】Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group
【Sponsors & Supporters Wanted】
【Live Activities】
2021 China Int’l Innovation Seminar on Cold Chain + New Retail + Internet
New Product Launch Event
Welcome Dinner
【Co-located Trade Shows】
The 9th China (Guangzhou) Int’l Vending Machines & Self-service Facilities Fair (VMF 2021)
The 5th China (Guangzhou) Int’l Commercial Payment System & Device Expo (CCP 2021)
The 4rd China (Guangzhou) Int’l New Retail & Unattended Vending Industry Expo (NRE 2021)
【展會概括】【Event Introduction】
A strong market demand for fresh produce is now driven by the increase of individual income and health consciousness. It is predicted that by 2021, China’s cold chain market will reach 347 billion yuan. At present, with the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, the upcoming Guangdong, Shanghai, Tianjin, Fujian Free Trade Zones, and the signing of Sino-Australian, and Sino-Korean trade agreements, cross-border cooperation and trade in cold chain business are expected to be occurred more frequently in the future. The widening adoption of internet and big data has also given rise to fresh e-commerce, cold chain package delivery, which has drawn the attention of the government and all walks of life.
Experts predict that a billion-yuan fresh e-commerce market is taking shape in China, and the development of cold chain logistics industry has also been put on top of the agenda by the central government, which has explicitly stated that more efforts should be put in advancing cold chain logistics technologies, and perfecting industry codes and standards. As one of the most coveted sectors by investors at home and abroad, a boom for the fresh produce cold chain and logistics market will be occurred in the next 3-5 years.
2021亞太生鮮配送及冷凍冷鏈冷庫技術設備展覽會將在廣州·廣交會展館隆重舉辦,展會規模和展商規模數量將逐屆提高,同時更加專注于生鮮冷鏈物流全產業鏈展示平臺的打造,重點推出國際展區、生鮮電商、冷庫冷柜和生鮮冷鏈物流四大主題專區;并攜手第九屆中國(廣州)國際自助售貨系統與設施博覽交易會(CSF)、第四屆 中國(廣州)國際新零售及無人售貨博覽會(NRE)、第五屆中國(廣州)國際商業支付系統及設備博覽會,匯聚了50多個國家展團和8萬名專業觀眾,展出總規模80000平方米。致力于打造互聯網+智慧全冷鏈解決方案的專業平臺!
Asia-Pacific Perishable Logistics and Cold-chain Exhibition (PLCE 2021 will be held at China Import and Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou, with a bigger show floor and a bigger turnout of premium exhibitors. To build a display platform for the whole industry chain, the show will be comprised of 4 exhibition areas——International Exhibitors, Fresh E-commerce, Cold Stores & Refrigerators, and Cold Chain Logistics. The show will be co-located with China (Guangzhou) Int’l Vending Machines & Self-service Facilities Fair, China (Guangzhou) Int’l Commercial Payment System & Device Expo, and China (Guangzhou) Int’l Smart Retail Expo, together occupying 80,000 sq.m, sharing over 80,000 quality buyers from over 50 countries, building a professional platform for the display of internet-based smart cold chain logistics solutions!
【Visitors Organization】Multiple Approaches to Invite Professional Buyers
Professional Invitation: The team makes full use of the powerful data base of professional buyers to make "VIP invitations" to the clients by means of telephone, fax, and invitations, etc;
新聞推介:在目標城市舉辦推介會和新聞發布會,進行全方位的媒體宣傳; 您可以獲得媒體聚焦,高效傳播品牌信息。
News Publicity: Promotion conference and news conference are held in target cities, so as to conduct the all-around media publicity;
Direct Mail: Invitation letter will be sent to overseas enterprises, buyers and professionals through organizations and professional media, to ensure the attendance of quality clients;
Complimentary Tickets: Some promotional materials will be printed, such as invitation letter, tickets, poster, etc, to invite clients by direct visit or personal delivery;
Group Invitation: To cooperate with industrial parks and economic development zones for group visits;
Exhibition Promotion: To participate in similar exhibitions/events at home and abroad for exhibition promotion and visitors organization;
Live Programs: Relevant technology exchange events will be organized to invite industry leaders to attend the conference and exhibition;
Media Publicity: To collaborate with domestic and overseas magazines, newspapers and websites for all-around promotion;
Outdoor Advertising: The outdoor advertisements are displayed in urban traffic arteries and professional markets to carry out large-scale outdoor advertising.
【目標國家采購商邀請】【Buyers Invitation】
國外客戶邀請:越南、老撾、柬埔寨、泰國、緬甸、馬來西亞、新加坡、印度尼西亞、文萊、 菲律賓、東帝汶、韓國、日本印度、孟加拉國、不丹、尼泊爾、巴基斯坦、斯里蘭卡、馬爾代夫等;
Overseas buyers from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, Timor-Leste, Korea, Japan, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, and etc;
Expected visitor turnout: 80,000 visitors plus repeat visits.
【目標觀眾】【Target Visitors】
※ 水果和蔬菜、花卉等農產品生產加工流通、生物、食品、醫藥、生鮮電商、零售業;
※ 制冷與冷凍冷藏、保鮮設備和技術供應商;
※ 倉庫/冷庫業主、高級管理人員;
※ 餐飲、酒店、賓館業及大型零售商、超市、大賣場和批發商;
※ 冷食經銷商,冷食生產企業
※ 低溫物流航運公司、公路、鐵路、航空運輸、集裝箱公司、倉儲代理、供應鏈解決方案提供商;
※ 農產品、食品、醫藥相關協會、疾控中心、大中型醫藥后勤采購部門;
※ 化妝品、保健品、煙草等加工;
※ 大中型機關團體、企事業單位、軍隊等后勤管理部門;
※ 農業、食品、商業流通、食品醫藥監管領域相關政府機構等
? Fruit, vegetable, and flower growers, processed produce manufacturers, online and offline retailers for food and medicine;
? Refrigeration, cool store, and preservation equipment and technology suppliers;
? Property owners and managers of cold stores/refrigerated warehouses;
? Caters, hotels, inns, retailers, supermarkets, shopping malls, wholesalers;
? Producers and distributors of cold foods and drinks;
? Cold chain, highroad, railway, and aviation logistics companies, warehouse agents, supply chain solution providers;
? Trade associations of produce, food, and medicine, centers for disease control and prevention;
? Manufacturers of cosmetics, wellness products, and tobaccos;
? State-owned enterprises, procurement departments of the military;
? State agencies of agriculture, food, commerce, medicine, and etc.
【展品范圍】【Exhibition Scope】
?冷鏈信息系統:冷鏈全程監控管理系統 、食品安全追溯體系統、3GPS設備、自動識別設備冷鏈配送及采購系統、條碼技術、管理軟件、物聯網技術等;
Cold Chain Information Systems: shipment tracking systems, food safety tracing systems, 3GPS devices, automatic recognition systems, cold chain procurement and delivery systems, bar cod technologies, management software, internet of things technologies, and etc;
Refrigerated Vehicles & Accessories: reefer ships, reefers, insulated vehicles, refrigerated trucks/vans/trailers, refrigerated containers, refrigerated truck bodies, refrigeration units for vehicles, and etc.
Preservation Equipment & Technologies: cold store equipment, commercial refrigerators, refrigerated display cases, thermoelectric coolers, absorption refrigerator, and etc;
Refrigerated Display Cases: modular cool stores, quick freezing technologies, refrigeration units, insulated panels, cold storage lighting, cooler/freezer doors, temperature control technologies, energy-efficient technologies, cold storage design, commercial refrigerators, refrigerated display cases, portable refrigerators, lab refrigerators, accessories, and parts, and etc;
Fresh E-commerce: e-commerce platforms, direct-selling online retailers, online retailers of dairy products, pastries, fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, meat products, aquaculture products, imported food, and etc.
Refrigerants & Refrigerator Parts: thermal energy storage materials, sealing materials, insulation materials, phase change materials, accessories and parts for refrigerators, cold stores, and etc.
Cold Chain Logistics & Delivery Services: colds chain logistics services providers, cold chain testing & monitoring services, cold chain information services, cold chain packaging solutions, cold chain warehousing and logistics, and etc.
Fresh Produce Sorting, Processing, Preserving and Packaging Equipment: fruits and vegetables sorting systems, conveyor sorting machines, slicing machines, fruits and vegetables washing machines, dewatering machines, color protecting machines, drying machines, peeling machines, packaging machines, vacuum packaging machines, modified atmosphere packaging machine, ozone disinfection machines, plastic wraps, storage bags, preservatives, heat treatment machines, fruit and vegetable processing machines, commercial kitchen equipment, fruits and vegetables washing conveyors, and etc;
?食品安全快速檢測設備:食品微生物及霉素檢測、食品添加劑檢測、食品安全快速檢測、轉基因食品檢測、食品品質控制和測試、食品檢測分析儀器、快速檢測卡 試劑盒、食品成份檢測、微生物、疫病、農殘毒素檢測、轉基因成分檢測儀器、化學元素檢測、添加劑與配料檢測、樣品前處理分析儀器、水份及水質檢測、食品檢測儀器配件、耗材、金屬、非金屬元素及異物檢測設備及第三方檢測服務機構等;
Food Safety Testing Equipment: testing equipment and solutions for micro-organism and mold , food additive, genetically modified foods, diseases, moisture content, water quality, heavy metals, filth, and residual pesticides, food quality control, food analyzers, food testing kits, consumables for testing, testing services providers, and etc;
Cold Chain Warehousing & Loading: refrigerated containers, pallets, cold chain warehouse racks and shelves, forklifts, and etc.
1、境內企業(雙開口展位加收500元/個) | ||
標準展位 | 13800元/個 | 標準展位(3m×3m):含三面白色圍板(2.5米高)、洽談臺一張、折椅二把、日光燈二盞、中英文楣板、地毯。 空地展位:36㎡起租,無任何設施,企業需自行設計、裝修,由組委會代展覽館收取50元/㎡裝修管理費。 |
豪華展位 | 15800元/個 | |
空地展位 | 1500元/㎡ | |
2、境外企業(雙開口展位加收USD100美元/個) | ||
標準展位 | 2600美元/個 | 標準展位(3m×3m):含三面白色圍板(2.5米高)、洽談臺一張、折椅二把、日光燈二盞、中英文楣板、地毯。 空地展位:36㎡起租,無任何設施,企業需自行設計、裝修,由組委會代展覽館收取50元/㎡裝修管理費。 |
豪華展位 | 3000美元/個 | |
空地展位 | 260美元/㎡ |
【Booth Rate】
Standard Booth | USD 2600/9m2 | Standard Booth (3m*3m): 3 white surrounding boards (height: 2.5m), one table, two chairs, two spot lights, fascia in English and Chinese, and a piece of floor carpet.
Raw Space:Minimum rental area is 36 square meters. No facilities provided. Additional management fee: RMB 50 /m2. The booth should be built and decorated by exhibitors themselves. |
Luxury Booth | USD 3000/9m2 | |
Raw Space | USD 260/m2 |
封 面 | 18000元 | 門 票 | 12000元/2萬張 |
封 底 | 15000元 | 企業簡介 | 1000元 |
封二、三、跨版 | 10000元 | 黑白內頁 | 3000元 |
彩色內頁 | 5000元 | 參觀商證件廣告 | 3萬元/3萬個 |
參觀指南廣告 | 3萬元/5萬張 |
【Ads Costs】(The ad should be designed by the exhibitor)
Cover | RMB 18000 | Admission Ticket | RMB 12000/20000 pcs |
Back Cover | RMB 15000 | Exhibition Introduction | RMB 1000 |
Inside Front Cover/Inside Back Cover/Double Page Spread | RMB 10000 | Black and white Inside Page | RMB 3000 |
Colored Inside Page | RMB 5000 | Visitor Badge | RMB 30000/30000 pcs |
Visitor Guidebook | RMB 30000/50000 pcs |
【參展程序】【Exhibition Procedure】
◆ 參展企業確定參展后,請確定展位位置,詳細填寫《參展申請表》,并加蓋公章,復印營業執照副本加蓋公章,寄到組委會辦公室(下方地址)
◆ 展商報名后,參展企業請于五個工作日內匯款,請將匯款底單傳至組委會(匯款帳戶見參展申請表),逾期組委會將不保留展位;
◆ 組委會在最終確認參展商展位后,郵件發送《參展商手冊》,手冊包括展品運輸、展臺設計搭建、 旅行及住宿安排、物品租用和服務員、廣告以及簽證申請等有關信息;
◆ 展覽會期間,組委會統一開具參展費發票。
? Please carefully fill out Exhibitor Contract with company stamp before faxing or sending it to the Organizing Committee.
? The exhibition fee must be transferred to the appointed account within 5 workdays after the exhibition application is confirmed, otherwise your booth will be waived.
? After the booth is confirmed, the “Exhibitor Manual” will be sent to the exhibitors, the content of which includes how to transport the exhibits, hotel information, facility rental, and other relevant information.
? The Organizing Committee will arrange booths according to the principle of ”first come, first served”. The organizer reserves the right to move your booth to another location.
? During the exhibition, the Organizing Committee will give the invoices to exhibitors uniformly.
地 址:廣州市海珠區新港東路1000號保利世貿中心C座7樓
展會負責人:姜 濤 手機:158 2029 8864 (V信同步)
電 話:17620760602
傳 真:020- 36657099
郵 箱:460640429@qq.com
【Contact Us】
Address: Address: Address: Room 7, Block C, poly World Trade Center, No.1000 Xingang East Road Haizhu District Road, Guangdong