展會名稱:2017年肯尼亞建筑建材展礦山機械展20th Buildexpo Kenya 20
展覽地點:肯尼亞 - KICC,Nairobi,Kenya
2017年第二十屆肯尼亞建筑建材暨工程機械礦山機械展20th Buildexpo Kenya 2017
2017年肯尼亞建筑建材展|肯尼亞建筑展會|肯尼亞建材展|非洲建材展|肯尼亞礦山機械展|肯尼亞工程機械展|Buildexpo Kenya|Build Expo Africa 北京領匯 郭萌旭 15093220170
2017年肯尼亞建筑建材展 展會時間: 2017年4月20-22日
2017年肯尼亞建筑建材展 展會地點: KICC,Nairobi,Kenya
2017年肯尼亞建筑建材展 主辦單位: EXPOGROUP WORLDWIDE
2017年肯尼亞建筑建材展 協辦單位: Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development
Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors of Kenya (BORAQS)
2017年肯尼亞建筑建材展 舉辦周期: 一年一屆
2017年肯尼亞建筑建材展 中國組展單位: 北京領匯國際展覽有限公司
2017年肯尼亞建筑建材展 展會介紹:
肯尼亞建筑建材暨工程機械礦山機械展 BUILDEXPO KENYA是由 EXPOGROUP WORLDWIDE舉辦,是東非地區規模最大,產品種類最多的建筑建材行業展會,展會展示了建筑材料,工程機械,建材機械,挖掘機械,礦山機械等諸多領域的最新技術和產品,已經成功舉辦了19屆。上屆共展出面積10,000平方米,在三天展期內共展出多達10,000余種產品及機械設備等,吸引了來自印度,土耳其,中國,意大利,馬來西亞及德國等眾多國際展商共參盛會。
2017年肯尼亞建筑建材展 展品范圍
Major Categories
Construction Eqpt. & MachineryMining
Steel & Aluminium Safety & Security
Building Materials, Tools & HardwareWoodworking
Bathroom, Kitchen & FlooringAir Conditioning
Water Technology Lighting
聯系人:北京領匯-郭萌旭 15093220170
座 機:400-8178181轉6627
Q Q:2851182508
Buildexpo Africa is the only show with the widest range of the latest technology in building material, mining machines, construction machinery and heavy equipment. At the 20th edition of Buildexpo, East Africa’s largest building and construction fair, we bring you exhibitors from over 40 countries who are the finest in infrastructure development.
Find what suits you best from about 14.3 million business prospects during the three-day event, with over 10,000 products, equipment and machinery on display across an expanse of more than 10,000 square meters. Last year’s event witnessed international pavilion participation from India, Turkey, China, Italy, Malaysia and Germany.
Over the years, we have grown to cater to the demands of not just the Kenyan market, but of the whole region of East Africa. This mega expo is the ideal forum for international players to showcase their products and services to the huge market in Africa.
We receive visitors from across East Africa, and trade visitors are invited directly in collaboration with regional trade bodies in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, Mozambique and Congo. Kenya is certainly one of the biggest markets in Africa, but Buildexpo also lays strong emphasis on attracting traders and importers from neighboring countries.
According to the World Bank, infrastructure is the key to Africa’s economic turnaround and will play an even greater role in the continent’s continued development. Kenya, in particular, is making giant strides in infrastructure and urbanization, with demarcated economic zones, commercial and residential buildings, and resorts for tourists. The country’s infrastructure and construction industry value is expected to double between 2017 and 2020. There has already been a spike in the demand for building material and machinery.
Come, be a part of progress in Africa!
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