編輯:上海朗盛展覽服務來源: 發表時間:2020-12-23 15:42:58關注 次 | 查看所有評論
內容摘要: 第二十四屆上海國際 主辦單位 Organizer 中國旅游飯店業協會 China Tourist Hotel Association 上海市餐飲烹飪行業協會 Shanghai Restaurants Cuisine Association 上海博華國際展覽有限公司 Shanghai Sinoexpo……
主辦單位 Organizer 中國旅游飯店業協會 China Tourist Hotel Association 上海市餐飲烹飪行業協會 Shanghai Restaurants Cuisine Association 上海博華國際展覽有限公司 Shanghai Sinoexpo Informa Markets International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
支持單位 Supported by 中國食品土畜進出口商會 China Chamber of Commerce of Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products 全國工商聯烘焙業公會 All-China Bakery Association 中國水產流通與加工協會 China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance 中國國際貿易促進委員會江蘇省分會 China Council for The Promotion of International Trade, Jiangsu Sub-Council 上海市國內合作交流服務中心 Shanghai Municipal Service Center for Domestic Cooperation and Exchange 上海市旅游行業協會飯店業分會 Shanghai Hotel Association 上海市食品協會 Shanghai Food Association 浙江省飯店業協會 Zhejiang Hotel Association 山東省旅游飯店協會 Shandong Tourist Hotels Association 浙江省罐頭行業協會 Zhejiang Canned Food Industry Association 沈陽市農業農村局 Shenyang Rural Agricultural Bureau 深圳市進出口食品商會 Shenzhen Food Importers & Exporters Association 廈門市食品行業協會 Xiamen Food Industry Association 義烏市進口商會 Yiwu Import Chamber of Commerce 浙江時代國際展覽服務有限公司 Zhejiang Time's International Exhibition & Service Co., Ltd. ASC水產養殖管理委員會 A Stewardship Council
食品飲料及餐飲設備展覽會(簡稱“FHC上海環球食品展”)已于2020年11月12日在上海新國際博覽中心圓滿落下帷幕。 在全球抗疫的大環境下,這場為期三天的展會依舊吸引行業各界人士積極響應,通過參與展會活動為食飲產業回暖復蘇與進一步升級發展奠定重要基礎。 盡管出行條件受限,仍有來自21個國家及地區的海外品牌通過代理商或在商協會、使領館等機構支持下積極參與展會亮相,包括德國、法國、奧地利、 意大利、荷蘭、俄羅斯、加拿大、南非、日本及美國在內的10個國際展團攜手參與,帶領更多企業借助線上平臺的輔助與國內采購商建立溝通。來自 本土的眾多業界領軍品牌一如既往支持參與,各領域各地區權威行業機構組團加盟,助力FHC不斷邁向更寬闊的行業領域。 In post-COVID-19, China’s catering industry is facing new opportunities and challenges. As the leading platform for China’s food and beverage market, the 24th FHC - Shanghai Global Food Trade Show, was held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre from November 10 to 12, 2020. Overseas companies with great desire to revive business showcased their products on the spot, get information and network efficiently. This year we saw 10 international pavilions participated the physical show via local partners. These include pavilions from Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Canada, South Africa, Japan and America.
很高興能再次參觀FHC展會。今年的疫情沖擊使大家的業務受到影響,在這里 與業內伙伴相聚,給了我們交流分享的重要平臺,討論共同面臨的難題,尋求 業務合作的新方向。 It’s a great pleasure to attend the FHC Shanghai Global Food Trade Show once again in 2020. Our business was damaged due to the pandemic, but we can network with peers and talk about the hardships we are facing, new opportunities and directions would be discovered at FHC then. 觀 眾 寄 語 “ 除了豐富多樣的產品展區,印象比較深的還有很多場專業論壇,探討食品 行業各個領域的狀況與突破口。我和同事分別去參加了幾場不同的論壇, 接觸到不少優質食材供應商、烹飪料理新趨勢等。希望明年也有機會再次 過來參觀,期待看到更加完美的FHC。 In addition to rich and varied exhibition areas, there are also large numbers of professional forums to discuss the situation and breakthrough in food industry. My colleagues and I attended several, met ingredients suppliers and learnt a lot on new trends in cooking. We hope to visit again to witness a better FHC next year.
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