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2020藍鯨國際標簽展| 藍鯨國際軟包裝展| 國際功能薄膜展

編輯:劉雪云來源:網縱會展網 發表時間:2019-11-18 14:18:01關注 次 | 查看所有評論

內容摘要: 20 20 藍鯨·國際標簽展 藍鯨·國際軟包裝展 藍鯨·國際 功能 薄膜 展 Label Flexible Packaging Functional Film Expo China 2020 招展書Brochure 2020.4.21-23 中國·上海新國際博覽中心 SNIEC·Shanghai China 標簽……

2020藍鯨·國際標簽展 & 藍鯨·國際軟包裝展 & 藍鯨·國際功能薄膜

Label & Flexible Packaging & Functional Film Expo China 2020




SNIEC·Shanghai China


Label & Flexible Packaging & Film


Comprehensive service,professional exhibition.


鴻威會展集團  Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group

上海攬境展覽服務有限公司  Shanghai Lanjing Exhibition Service Co., Ltd


Shanghai Lanjing Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. is a professional organizer that organize and co-organize kinds of exhibitions, conferences, events, sport match and other activities, it can also provide industry precision integrated marketing, overseas marketing promotion and high-quality outbound travel services. Most of the customers are government organizations, industry associations and some medium sized enterprises who are interested in exploring international market. It has good relationship with the printing and packaging industry association, it has plenty of experiences in organizing exhibition activities. It has abundant resources about suppliers and     printing printers, it is devoted to build a professional platform for labels and flexible packaging industry.


Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group is built in 2014. It’s developed from Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Co., Ltd who is built in 2002. With a long term development, now it’s one of the biggest exhibition group in industry. It can provide display engineer, media advertising, conference forums, event planning, general aviation industry, yacht services, etc.


中國印刷技術協會柔性版印刷分會  中國印刷技術協會凹版印刷分會  中國印刷技術協會商業票據印刷分會  上海市印刷行業協會  上海市包裝技術協會  上海印刷技術研究所  江蘇省印刷行業協會  蘇州印刷行業協會  桐城印刷行業協會  印刷電子&智能包裝產業聯合體 武漢大學印刷包裝系/武大蘇州研究院 湖南省塑料彩印行業協會  上海印刷技術研究所 河南標簽協會 東光塑料行業協會


上海印搜文化傳媒服務有限公司  印刷雜志 今日印刷 必勝網  中國新聞出版報 中國塑膜網  瑞同科技傳媒  我的印刷網 柔印邦 紅動傳媒 中國塑料包裝產業網    包裝前沿  潮訊軟包裝  中夏傳媒  包裝企業網   達達印刷人才網 薄膜通  中國印刷包裝網     中國包裝信息網  中國好包裝網  上海華展&龍琨傳媒  絲艾柔印   上海塑料技術工程學會   印聘網  瑞安百事通  溧邦印刷網  中國軟包裝網  包裝微世界   華印軟包裝  柔印工


Since 2017, the Blue WhaleExpo has been held three times, it’s smart in Suzhou,and facing the East China market, then, it was moved to Shanghai radiating the whole country,and the scale has been upgraded year by year. The development in three years is closely related the support and encouragement of colleagues in the printing and packaging industry. "Blue Whale Expo" has become a well-known exhibition platform with three years of continuous efforts,in the printing and packaging industry, which has been unanimously recognized by exhibitors and visitors. Three years of hard work has made us stronger and now we have greater determination to work step by step towards the goal of "Comprehensive service, professional exhibition ".  

2020年,我們蓄勢待發。新一屆的藍鯨·國際標簽展 & 藍鯨·國際軟包裝展 & 藍鯨·國際功能薄膜展將于2020年4月再次亮相上海新國際博覽中心。展會將包含標簽、軟包裝和功能薄膜三大領域。同時全面延伸至食品、飲料、酒類、醫藥、日化和電子等多行業都終端包裝應用,同期多場主題論壇,全面解讀新技術、新材料、新應用及新趨勢,讓展商與觀眾實現多方面的深入溝通和交流。辦方會更大力度邀請國際標簽和軟包裝展商加盟,真正搭建展商與采購商之間的溝通平臺,為行業買家提供一站式采購平臺,努力成為中國有效貫穿標簽印刷、包裝、制品產業鏈的國際性展會

Label & Flexible Packaging & Film Expo China 2020 will be promoted again in Shanghai, and it contains three parts: Label , Flexible Packaging and Film. The exhibition will contain end user in different industries, for example, food, medicine, cosmetic, personal care, electronic and so on. It will also extend to the end user.  Many thematic forums will be organized during the exhibition to comprehensively interpret new technologies, new materials, new applications and new trends, so that exhibitors and audience can achieve in-depth communication and exchanges in many aspects. The organizer warmly welcome domestic and international exhibitors and visitors coming to the show.

展示面積 (Area):25,000 m2

    商 (Exhibitors):400+


三展并行   3-in-1 Expo

標簽·軟包裝·功能薄膜   Label & Flexible Packaging & Functional Film


(一) 標簽館

1. 標簽印刷設備類:標簽印刷機、數碼印刷、印后設備(檢測、模切、燙金、套印及貼標設備等);

2. 輔助設備及系統(印前系統、驅動與控制系統、條形碼及標碼系統、干燥系統等);

3. 設備零配件:滾筒、網紋輥、刮墨刀、切刀、磁性設備等;

4. 材料類:紙張、薄膜、油墨、不干膠材料、碳帶等耗材;

5. RFID智能標簽、電子標簽、防偽解決方案;

6. 環保設備;

7. 標簽印刷企業。


1. 軟包裝機械設備類:印刷設備、復合設備、分切設備、制袋設備及其它設備(復卷機、電暈機、控制檢測機、噴碼機、環保設備);

2. 相關控制系統及零配件:電暈處理系統、靜電消除系統、張力控制系統、電子糾編系統、泵、離合器等;

3. 原料類:軟包裝用紙張、膜材、油墨、粘合劑等;

4. 服務類:配件、軟件、配套及服務專區。

5. 彩印廠

(三) 功能薄膜館

功能薄膜:BOPET/BOPP膜、PET/CPP薄膜、PI膜、鋰電隔膜/鋁塑膜、光伏膜、石墨烯膜、預涂膜、壓敏膠薄膜、水處理膜、窗膜、隔熱/汽車膜、IMD裝飾膜、軟包裝膜、陶瓷膜、分離膜等 。

Exhibition scope

(一) Label hall

1. Label printing equipment, digital press, finishing equipment, slitters and rewinders, etc;

2. Servicing equipment(Prepress system, drying systems,);

3. Equipment parts(cylinders, anilox rolls, doctor blades,  dies, and etc.);

4. Papers, film, ink, pressure-sensitive tapes;

5. RFID, smart label, electronics label.Security solutions supplier; 

6. environmental protection equipment;

7. Printing printers. 

(二) Flexible packaging hall

1. Flexible packaging equipment; 

2. Equipment parts;

3. Chemical raw materials, auxiliary materials;

4. Industry service.

(三)Functional Film hall

1. Functional Film:BOPET/BOPP film, PET/ CPP film, PI film, lithium battery separator / Al-Plastic Film, photovoltaic film, Graphene film, lamination film, Pressure-sensitive adhesive, water treatment membrane, window film, heat insulation film/ auto tint film, In-Mold Decoration film, flexible packaging film, ceramic membrane, separation film, etc.


1. 參加國內外知名印刷包裝行業展會及其他相關領域的活動,大量宣傳,積極推廣。

2. 遍布全球的幾十家行業媒體的深度合作,強勢宣傳。

3. 向國內外專業觀眾直接發送邀請函、門票,并對專業數據庫的100,000專業觀眾進行一對一電話邀請。

4. 微信公眾號、網站、微博、SMS短信群發平臺等新媒體平臺,創新宣傳,使行業人士對展會資訊隨時掌握。

5. 組織各地區的印刷協會會員和軟包裝協會會員等相關社會團體組團參觀。

Promotional activities

1. To participate in well-known printing exhibitions and related activities, seeking cooperation, and actively promotion.

2. Cooperative promotion with Industry magazine, industry website, Association.

3. Promoting in the industry forum and conference.Domestic and international call center.

4. E-news letter, direct mail.

5. Directly mailing the exhibition tickets.


1. 標簽印刷廠、軟包裝印刷廠(彩印廠)、貿易商/代理商;

2. 日化、電子、食品、醫藥、酒類、飲料等終端用戶;

3. 標簽及包裝設計師;

4. 標簽行業相關供應商、軟包裝行業相關供應商;

5. 教學及專業機構、相關協會及媒體。

Target visitors:

1. Printing printers, label printers, packaging printers.

2. Food, pharmaceutical, personal care, wine, beverage, personal care and terminal manufacturers

3. Designers of labels and packaging

4. Label industry suppliers, Flexible packaging suppliers

5. Educational establishments and professional bodies, relevant trade associations and medias.


1. 2020印包CEO高爾夫挑戰賽

2. 2020 年第二屆中國不干膠材料大會暨藍鯨·行業頒獎盛典

3. 2020 標簽數字印刷與智能包裝高峰論壇

4. 2020“萬物物聯”創新應用高峰論壇

5. 2020 全球功能膜材產品供需會

6. 2020 中國印包行業環保專題研討會

7. 2020 中國軟包裝與柔印技術論壇

Concurrent Events

1. 2020  Golf Tournament of CEO in Printing Industry

2. 2020  the Second Summit of Pressure-sensitive material manufacturer

3. 2020  Labels and smart Packaging Industry Summit  

4. 2020  Special Forum of Internet of Things & Digital Printing

5. 2020  Global functional film Supply and demand Conference

6. 2020  China printing industry environmental protection Symposium

7. 2020  China flexible Packaging technology Development forum

參展費用 Participation Cost


展臺最大高度:2.5m,100w長射燈(2只),圍板,地毯。Maximum height:2.5m,100w spot light(2),Boarding,Company name board,Carpet,

內部配置:咨詢臺(1),折椅(2個),220V插座(1個),廢紙簍(1個)。Interior collocation;Desk(1), Chairs(2),  220V socket(1),   garbage bin (1)


展臺最大高度:3.5m,公司標志即時貼(不含設計,含制作),100w長射燈(4只),圍板,地毯Maximum height:3.5m,Company logo instant paste (without design, including production),100w spot light(4),Boarding,Carpet.

內部配置:圓桌(1),咨詢臺(1),折椅(6個),220V插座(1個),廢紙簍(1個)。Interior collocation;Round table(1),Desk(1), Chairs(6),220V socket(1),garbage bin (1)



Shanghai Lanjing Exhibition Service Co., Ltd


Add: Room 1011, Jiazheng International Building, No.28 Moyu Road, Jiading District, shanghai,

展商服務 exhibitors service

電話Tel:021-51061607   13621640656  許先生

投稿到該欄目 | 展會入駐


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