編輯:劉雪云來源:網縱會展網 發表時間:2020-05-29 01:02:04關注 次 | 查看所有評論
內容摘要: 2020CGS成都國際健身、康體休閑展覽會邀您共襄盛會! 一起掘金西部萬億健身康體市場!……
09.08-09.10 成都世紀城新國際會展中心
2020 CGS成都國際健身、康體休閑展覽會邀您共襄盛會! 一起掘金西部萬億健身康體市場!
2020 CGS Chengdu INTERNATIONAL HEALTH WELLNESS FITNESS EXPO invites you to join the grand event! Let's explore the enormous fitness market in the west together!
Western region fitness industry representative exhibition: INTERNATIONAL HEALTH WELLNESS FITNESS EXPO
隨著成都2021年大運會的啟動,2025世運會的成功申辦,并且隨著國家體育強國建設綱要的出具,全民健身 已經上升為國家戰略,在全民健身口號下,西部健身市場迎來了發展的黃金期,市場需求明顯。為助力2021 年成都大運會的成功舉辦,助推打造運動成都,實現全民健身,推動新時代、新機遇下西部健身產業的發展, 增進四川省乃至西部地區健身康體行業與國內外同行的深度交流與合作,2020成都國際健身、康體休閑展覽 會再度起航!匯聚以成都為核心的西部地區千億健身康體產業需求。本次展會將再次聚焦全球目光,以西部市 場需求為核心,致力于為參展企業打造一個專業化的產業交流平臺,培育西部健身康體經濟發展新動能。
With the launch of the 2021 Universiade in Chengdu and the successful bid for the 2025 World Games, with the issue of the outline of national sports power construction, national fitness has become a national strategy, Under the slogan of national fitness, the Western region fitness market has entered into a golden period. The market demand is strong. In order to help the successful holding of the Chengdu Universiade in 2021, to build Chengdu's sports culture, to achieve national fitness, promote the development of the western region fitness industry under the new era and new opportunities, to promote communication and cooperation of the fitness& sports industry with domestic and foreign business group in depth in Sichuan Province and even the western region. We announce that the 2020 Chengdu IWF, will sail again! Gathering the industrial needs of the enormous fitness and sports market in the western region at the core city Chengdu. This exhibition will once again focus on the global vision, take the western market demand as the core, committed to creating a professional industry communication platform for exhibitors, to foster new momentum for the development of fitness and sports economy in the western region.
訂展熱線:021-5106 1607
聯系人:許先生 136 2164 0656