1 | 中國計量展 | 五月 | 上海 |
2 | 上海國際精釀啤酒展 | 五月 | 上海 |
3 | 上海地面材料展 | 11月 | 上海 |
4 | 汽車底盤展 | 11月 | 上海 |
5 | CBME孕嬰童展 | 七月 | 上海 |
6 | 中國建博會 | 七月 | 廣州 |
7 | CRFE環球餐飲展 | 四月 | 北京 |
8 | 廣州連鎖加盟展 | 五月 | 廣州 |
9 | 上海禮品家居展 | 六月 | 上海 |
10 | 廣州大健康展 | 六月 | 廣州 |
編輯:福貿國際展覽 來源: 發表時間:2022-09-06 10:55:16 關注 次 | 查看所有評論
[Dates] October 12 (Wed) - 14 (Fri),
[Venue] Makuhari Messe, Japan
[Dates] January 18 (Wed) - 20 (Fri), 2023
[Venue] INTEX Osaka, Japan
[Organiser] RX Japan Ltd.
Mr. Zhang 158-2110-6898 WeChat
[Supporting Organisations of MEDICAL JAPAN TOKYO] click here for details
Hospital Expo
Clinics Expo
Pharmacy Solutions Expo
Elderly Care & Nursing Expo
Infection Prevention Expo
MEDICAL JAPAN- Japanese Market
1. World’s 3rd Largest Market with a Huge Number of Medical Facilities
Japan is the world’s 3rd largest medical market! In addition, the high rate of aging population results in expansion and construction of new hospitals and elderly-care facilities. This trend leads to the expansion of the medical industry.
Huge Market Scale: World’s 3rd Largest
World’s Top Aging Rate
Large Number of Hospitals
2. Huge Amount of Imported Medical Devices = JPY 1,556 Billion (USD 14.3 Billion)
The Japanese medical device market relies heavily on imported products.
The annual sales amount of medical devices in Japan was JPY 2,887 billion (USD 26.6 billion) (2016), 54% of which were imported products.
and take full advantage of the business opportunities!
MEDICAL JAPAN [Osaka] consists of:
Japan’s leading International trade fair for medical devices/equipment, IT technologies, and Services.
B to B trade show gathering medical devices, equipment, IT technologies for Clinics!
B to B trade show covering all Pharmacy systems, dispensing, equipment, supplies, functional food, supplements, etc.
B to B trade show covering devices, equipment, and IT Technologies for Elderly Care!
B to B trade show covering all infection prevention products and systems for the fields of Medical and Elderly Care.
Supporting Organisations
Union of Kansai Governments
A union of 8 prefectures and 4 cities in the Kansai region (West Japan).
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan
Industry Associations (in random order):
Japan Association of Rehabilitation Hospital and Institution
Japanese Association of Hospitals for community-based Care
Japan Council for Quality Health Care
Japan Association for Clinical Engineers
Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Japanese Association of Medical Technologists
The Japan Association of Radiological Technologists
Japanese Physical Therapy Association
Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists
The Japan Dietetic Association
Japan Health Information Manager Association
The Japan Association of Certified Care Workers
Japan Care Manager Association
Japan Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities
Japanese Council of Senior Citizens Welfare Service
Senior Housing Association
Japan Association for Day Care
Japanese Council of Daily Life Long-Term Care Service Facilities
Japan Group-Home Association for people with Dementia
The National Association for Visiting Nurse Service
Japan Visiting Nursing Foundation
Japanese Society of Medical Instrumentation
Japan Association for Medical Informatics
Japan Society of Ningen Dock (Medical Examination)
The Japanese Association of Home Care Pharmacies
Japan Association for the Advancement of Medical Equipment
Medical Excellence JAPAN
Japan Federation of Medical Devices Associations
Japan Association of Medical Devices Industries
Japan Association of Health Industry Distributors
Japanese Association of Healthcare Information Systems Industry
Medical ISAC Japan
Commons for Medicine and Engineering Japan
Nippon Pharmacy Association
Japan Association of Clinical Reagents Industries
Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center
Japan Health Enterprise Foundation
Nihon Medical Kyushoku Kyokai
Japan Association of Healthcare Management Consultants
The Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Kinki Council of Senior Citizens Welfare Service
Osaka Hospital Association
Osaka Private Hospital Association
Osaka Association of Psychiatric Hospitals
Osaka Nursing Association
Osaka Pharmaceutical Association
Osaka Association of Radiological Technologists
Osaka Association of Medical Technologists
Osaka PhysioTherapist Association
Osaka Association of Occupational Therapists
Osaka Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists
Osaka Scientific Instruments Association
Shiga Dental Association
Shiga Prefecture Hospital Association
Shiga Private Hospital Association
Shiga Nursing Association
Shiga Association of Radiological Technologists
Shiga Association of Medical Technologists
Shiga Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists
Shiga Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities
Kyoto Hospitals Association
Kyoto Private Hospital Association
Kyoto Pharmaceutical Association
The Kyoto Association of Radiological Technologists
Kyoto Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists
Kyoto Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities
Kyoto Medical Instruments Association
Hyogo Hospitals Association
Hyogo Private Hospital Association
Hyogo Nursing Association
The Hyogo Association of Radiological Technologists
Hyogo Association of Medical Technologists
Hyogo Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists
Hyogo Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities
Wakayama Dental Association
Wakayama Hospital Association
Wakayama Nursing Association
Wakayama Pharmaceutical Association
The Wakayama Association of Radiological Technologists
Wakayama Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists
Wakayama Association of Geriatric Health Service Facilities
Nara Hospital Association
Nara Nursing Association
Nara Association of Clinical Engineering Technologists
Nara Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities
Tottori Nursing Association
Tottori Pharmaceutical Association
Tottori Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities
Tokushima Dental Association
Tokushima Medical Association
Tokushima Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities
Tokushima Nursing Association
Chubu Medical Devices Manufacturers Association
Remote exhibitors on behalf of exhibitors - preferred plan:
Remote exhibition = physical booth + video equipment negotiation + exclusive translation
Physical booth: Exhibited products are displayed at physical exhibitions, and exclusive translators help to promote and answer products.
Exclusive translation to collect buyer business cards
Video equipment negotiation: online instant negotiation with buyers through video connection instant negotiation,
The exclusive translator will cooperate with the negotiation, and the exclusive translation record will be sent back after the negotiation on the details!
企The highlights of our company's Japan exhibition with a group exhibition:
1. The booth location is arranged according to the company's exhibits and the price advantage.
2. Careful and thoughtful overseas itinerary: detailed arrangements for hotel, accommodation, transportation, etc.
3. Intimate and timely overseas round-trip air-tickets and public interpreters for pick-up and drop-off team leaders.
4. Experienced in outreach operations all the year round and professional leaders who are familiar with local country-family-customs and customs.
5. From booth confirmation arrangement, booth construction and decoration, exhibit transportation, personnel visa-certificate materials preparation to check-out to post-exhibition subsidy processing, our company's full-process and multi-faceted professional services strive to create a better exhibition service industry-excellent-quality- Card
+For those who are not exhibitors, our company arranges group viewing services, and provides visa-visit, flight-ticket, hotel, admission card processing and other services
Organizer: Shanghai Formore Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd-shzpexpo
Responsible: Mr. Zhang 158-2110-6898 WeChat
Q-Q: 99581873
Tel-Tel: 021-61200956
E-mail: jpexpo@163.com
WeChat-XinGong-Public Account: shzpexpo Fumao International Exhibition
Address: Grand Building, N1951, South Lianhua Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
名次 | 展會名稱 | 月份 | 區域 |
1 | 2022全國糖酒會 | 三月 | 四川 |
2 | 世界食品廣州展 | 五月 | 廣州 |
3 | 中國建博會 | 七月 | 廣州 |
4 | 北京科博會 | 九月 | 北京 |
5 | 北京車展 | 四月 | 北京 |
6 | CIHIE·健博會 | 五月 | 北京 |
7 | 中國工博會 | 12月 | 上海 |
8 | 深圳跨境電商展 | 十月 | 深圳 |
9 | 廣州大健康展 | 六月 | 廣州 |
10 | 上海物流展 | 11月 | 上海 |
11 | 上海國際情趣生活展 | 四月 | 上海 |
12 | 上海家具展 | 九月 | 上海 |
名次 | 展會名稱 | 月份 | 區域 |
1 | 中國計量展 | 五月 | 上海 |
2 | 上海國際精釀啤酒展 | 五月 | 上海 |
3 | 上海地面材料展 | 11月 | 上海 |
4 | 汽車底盤展 | 11月 | 上海 |
5 | CBME孕嬰童展 | 七月 | 上海 |
6 | 中國建博會 | 七月 | 廣州 |
7 | CRFE環球餐飲展 | 四月 | 北京 |
8 | 廣州連鎖加盟展 | 五月 | 廣州 |
9 | 上海禮品家居展 | 六月 | 上海 |
10 | 廣州大健康展 | 六月 | 廣州 |
1 | 中國計量展 | 五月 | 上海 |
2 | 汽車底盤展 | 11月 | 上海 |
3 | CME上海國際機床展 | 六月 | 上海 |
4 | 天津工博會 | 五月 | 天津 |
5 | 中國工博會 | 12月 | 上海 |
6 | 中國制博會 | 十月 | 遼寧 |
7 | 武漢汽車制造展 | 六月 | 湖北 |
8 | 日本機器人展 | 三月 | 國外 |
9 | 青島機床展 | 七月 | 山東 |
10 | 中國制博會 | 九月 | 遼寧 |
1 | 中國家電供應鏈博覽 | 六月 | 廣東 |
2 | 北京軍博會 | 七月 | 北京 |
3 | 廣州國際激光展 | 三月 | 廣州 |
4 | DIC顯示創新展 | 七月 | 上海 |
5 | 中國電博會 | 七月 | 北京 |
6 | 電源展覽會 | 八月 | 廣州 |
7 | 中國電子展 | 十月 | 上海 |
8 | 光電子中國博覽會 | 六月 | 北京 |
9 | 世界雷達博覽會 | 四月 | 江蘇 |
10 | 廣州電源展 | 11月 | 廣州 |
1 | 工博會信息展/工業 | 九月 | 上海 |
2 | 上海智慧零售展 | 三月 | 上海 |
3 | 迪拜家電展 | 12月 | 國外 |
4 | 中國零售業博覽會 | 11月 | 上海 |
5 | 上海直播展 | 九月 | 上海 |
6 | 上海消費電子展 | 十月 | 上海 |
7 | 北京人工智能展 | 十月 | 北京 |
8 | IOTE國際物聯網展 | 七月 | 深圳 |
9 | 亞洲VRAR博覽會 | 五月 | 廣州 |
10 | 北京信息通信展 | 九月 | 北京 |
1 | 日本服裝展 | 十月 | 國外 |
2 | 南通紡織印花展 | 五月 | 江蘇 |
3 | 南通紡織機械縫制設 | 五月 | 江蘇 |
4 | 日本鞋展 | 三月 | 國外 |
5 | 日本服裝面料展 | 十月 | 國外 |
6 | 上海鞋展 | 六月 | 上海 |
7 | 北京服裝展 | 五月 | 北京 |
8 | 上海箱包展 | 十月 | 上海 |
9 | 深圳服裝貼牌展 | 11月 | 深圳 |
10 | 深圳服裝供應鏈博覽 | 十月 | 深圳 |
1 | 廣州大健康展 | 六月 | 廣州 |
2 | 青島制藥展API | 五月 | 山東 |
3 | 廣州老博會|養老展 | 八月 | 廣東 |
4 | 中國國際健康產業博 | 五月 | 北京 |
5 | 德國醫療展 | 11月 | 國外 |
6 | SIC老博會 | 11月 | 廣州 |
7 | 北京火鍋食材展覽會 | 五月 | 北京 |
8 | CIHIE·健博會 | 五月 | 北京 |
9 | 濟南生物發酵展 | 三月 | 山東 |
10 | 上海養老展 | 五月 | 上海 |