展會(huì)名稱:FHC 2022 第二十六屆上海環(huán)球食品展
■ 舉辦日期:2022年11月8-10日
■ 舉辦地點(diǎn):上海新國(guó)際博覽中心
■ 展館地址:中國(guó)上海浦東新區(qū)龍陽路2345號(hào)
■ 室內(nèi)展廳:N1-N5館、E3-E7館、W4-W5館
■ 主辦單位:上海市餐飲烹飪行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì) 上海博華國(guó)際展覽有限公司
■ 舉辦周期:每年一屆
2022年11月08日 9:00 – 18:00
2022年11月09日 9:00 – 18:00
2022年11月10日 9:00 – 15:00
從2020到2021,由“零”到“壹”,預(yù)示著希望、未來以及光明!美食高貿(mào)征途漫漫,吾愿上下而求索期待與您相聚2021年FHC上海環(huán)球食品展,用身心感受一場(chǎng)舌尖上的裝臂盛宴!Seven thas to stort your new day wath are closely reated to the theme of EAT Food for Chinese people is a matter of caly ife and cutto heritage under the moket bockgo of dIversity and indvidually. innovation and demand. the pattern of food and drink consumption has undergone a qualitative change internet+ new medio marketing. ave broadcasting with goods.mOny new models have bought products hat were arigincwy argely dido an the mokot o consumers How to use self-resowrces and the current unique marketing charm. to make the treaationo food onct beverage industry more attractve to consumers. more market competitiveness is one o the main ssues acne the indutry As e leading comprehensive StorM. in the: nckastyo: H: Sangh. oD. Food Tto ce Show has always insected a steady stroom of vitality into the recation of a broader doom of food in 02 the xhib tion wll furtho exoand its: copacity. to cover the food category: and local cuisine culture Moioe theme exh tion crees and a series of inter natoma eve. wath a: wico xone: f themes ae. splendid onine inferocto os ne ness matchng proessional forums. oll: the activities existed to. meet: the needs of: domestic and foreign audiences. good resources supporting services and market expon son tequscemen's around the world
From 2020 *0202 ftom toone. hooe:future andf bright he: ourney of food and trode s: long and: we: wish:to exp. it.. are ooking forward to meeting you at the 202"3 FHC Shonghai lobo: ood trade show.ond toeing: a delicious fest: oo the tip of the torguel
參展聯(lián)絡(luò): 上海博華國(guó)際展覽有限公司
李明玉 18516717850(微信同號(hào))
地址:上海市徐匯區(qū)虹橋路355號(hào)城開國(guó)際大廈7-8樓 郵編:200030