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作者:劉雪云來源:網縱會展網 發表時間:2012-09-30 16:43:38關注 次 | 查看所有評論

內容摘要: 關鍵詞:智能電網電力設備展出范圍 開始時間:2012-08-29結束時間:2012-08-31場 館:北京。中國國際展覽中心展會周期:1年報名優惠:送會刊彩頁 夏雨 13718207152 2012第十二屆中國(北京)……


開始時間:2012-08-29結束時間:2012-08-31場 館:北京。中國國際展覽中心展會周期:1年報名優惠:送會刊彩頁

夏雨 13718207152 2012第十二屆中國(北京)國際智能電網裝備及電力設備展覽會 時間:2012年8月29-31日 地點:中國國際展覽中心(老館) 主辦單位: 中國電力行業協會 中國機械工業聯合會 中國電工技術學會 中國能源協會 特邀單位: 國家發展和改革委員會 國家能源局 國家電網公司 南方電網公      中國計量協會 中國國電集團公司 中國華能集團公司 中國大唐集團公司 中國華電集團公司 中國電力科學研究院 中國電力投資集團公司 承辦單位: 中國電工技術學會 北京企發展覽服務有限公司 前 言: 世界一些發達國家大力提倡和積極發展智能電網。智能電網是世界電網發展的新趨勢,可以引導各方面更加高效地用電,實現節能減排。并將現有電網所強 調的安全、可靠、穩定,提高到一個全新的高度;進一步體現了電網對環境、經濟乃至整個社會的積極貢獻。另外智能電網正成為拉動世界經濟的下一個引擎。 “十二五”期間,國家投資電網將超過4.3萬億元,到2015年,基本建成堅強智能電網,初步實現世界一流電網的目標,使國家電網的資源配置 能力、運行效率、安全水平、科技水平全面進入國際先進行列。由此引發了對輸變電設備及電力自動化的需求量急劇增加。這將為智能電網相關企業帶來巨大商機, 迎來一個蓬勃發展的機遇。為配合智能電網行業的迅速發展及市場需求,「2012第十二屆中國國際智能電網裝備及電力設備展覽會」訂于2012年8月 29-31日在北京中國國際展覽中心舉行。 展會同期舉辦一系列關于智能電網最新科技﹑電力自動化技術等技術交流研討會,邀請業內專家主講,為智能電網企業開拓電力市場提供一個更深層次的技術交流平臺。 ● 會議日程 報到布展:2012年8月27日(8:30—17:00) 2012年8月28日(8:30—21:00) 展覽展示:2012年8月29日-31日(8:30—16:30) 閉幕撤展:2012年8月31日下午 ( 16:30) ● 展出范圍 ★ 電網自動化技術及設備 調度自動化集成系統、調度綜合數據平臺系統、電網網絡安全、配網自動化系統、智能巡檢系統、安全穩定控制系統解決方案、電能監控系統及微機型 繼電保護、廣域動態監測系統、電網穩定在線監控系統、配電網智能無功補償裝置、控制軟件、變送器、自動化主站、遠程測控終端(RTU)、調度模擬屏、信息 通信交換、以太網交換機、傳輸技術與設備、接入設備、數據通信與網絡技術及相關產品、廠內通信設備、電力線載波機、配套設備和儀表、數字微波通信設備、測 試設備及儀器儀表、電力信息化、電力系統仿真、用電管理信息系統等; ★ 輸配電設備及技術 配電自動化系統及保護裝置、配電網智能化快速消弧選線系統、智能型中低壓軟啟動器、線路保護裝置、數字化變電站解決方案、柔性輸電系統、超導 電纜、光纜、電力電纜、高壓輸配電架空導線、變壓器、特高壓變壓器、數字化互感器、傳感器、變頻器、電抗器、斷路器、箱式變電站、開關控制裝置、直控開 關、高壓開關、低壓電器、直流電源、繼電保護裝置、電線電纜及附件、電力金具、電力電子、電力電容器、高壓熔斷器、避雷器、連接器、撫瓷、絕緣子、絕緣材 料、桿塔、母線、套管等; ★ 電能計量與用電管理 計量自動化主站、智能電表及芯片、智能集中抄表/遠程抄表系統、各類型電能表、計量互感器、檢驗裝置、自動抄表系統、專用計量柜、用電管理系 統、電能計量芯片、廣域測量與控制系統、電能質量設備、電子式電能表、計量系統、存儲系統、安裝式儀 、電能測量儀器儀表、試驗變壓器、交直流分壓器、高壓核相器、紅外熱像儀、開關柜及控制箱等; ● 參展費用 標準展位費:(3m×3m) 國內企業 11800元/展位、展期 雙開口展位 14160元/展位、展期 合資企業 16800元/展位、展期 境外企業 3300歐元/展位、展期 空地基本價(面積不低于36m2) 國內企業 1200元/m2展期 合資企業 1600元/m2展期 境外企業 330歐元/m2展期 標準展位費用:包括展出場地、2.5m高壁板、楣牌制作、9平方米地毯、洽談桌一張、二把椅子、220V電源插座一個、日光燈二支。 參展企業若選擇展位及雙開口展位加收20%的展位費用,會務費每人500元人民幣。(用于餐飲、紀念品等); 光地費用包括:展出場地、保安、清潔服務(不包括特裝管理費)。 ● 參展程序 填寫展位申請表、加章后郵寄或傳真至大會組委會。在申請展位一周內將參展費用[50%訂金或全款]電匯或交至組委會,展位順序分配原則:“先申請、先匯款、先安排”,余款在2012年7月1日前付清。 組委會收到《參展申請表》和展臺費用后,將發票與《參展商手冊》一并寄給參展商。代表住宿產品運輸等事宜,將以《參展商手冊》為準。 ● 會刊及其它廣告 會刊除在大會期間廣泛送給主管部門及相關協會、觀展客商外,還將通過主辦單位途徑發往國內外的業內系統及相關經銷單位等。 會刊版面 (人民幣) 封面50000元     封底36000元 封一二20000元    封三18000元 跨彩頁15000元      彩頁8000元 黑白頁5000元 公司簡介1000元(參展商免費) 充氣拱門:RMB8000元/天 空飄氣球:RMB5000元/天 請柬:RMB8000元/天 入場券:RMB8000元/2萬   參展證、參觀證背面獨家廣告:50000元 展會金牌贊助商:200000元 ● 大會活動內容 產品展示、貿易洽談、技術交流、學術研討。各參展商可以申請舉辦技術交流會每場費用:國內企業11800元,國外企業3000美元(時間為2小時、不足2小時按一場收費)。 ● 展覽宣傳計劃 ◆ 組織國內外電力行業主管部門,建筑工程公司,低壓電器承建商,基建工程/大型項目,房地產商,電器安裝公司,工業用戶,電工設備制造商,供電局,研究所,建筑設計院及各經銷單位赴京觀展。 ◆ 通過六萬封參觀邀請函、三十萬張參觀券直接邀請國內外鄰近國家和地區的工業系統內決策人士及重要買家、大型用戶前來參觀、洽談、訂貨。 ◆ 在《北極星電力網》《中國工業電器》、《電網技術應用》、《變壓器》、《電氣世界》、《供電企業管理》、《電力自動化設備》、《電氣時代》、《國際電 力》、《電力建設》、《慧聰電氣商情》、《賽爾風標》、《電力設備》、《中國電力電氣》、《中國電氣博覽》、《電力電工商情》、《電氣資訊》、《電氣時代 雜志》、《電氣商情廣告》、《中國電力企業管理》、《中國電業》、《高工傳感網》、《中國電力采購網》、《中國電線電纜網》、《儀器儀表商情》、《環球電 氣》、《電工電氣選型手冊》、《中國電力網》、《中國低壓電器》、《新能量電力》、《百方網》、《中國百方電纜網》、《高低壓電氣產業》、《中國搜標 網》、《建筑電氣資訊》、《新電力》、《電源技術應用》、《中國開關電器》、《電力黃頁》、《電力系統自動化》、《國際低壓電氣》、《中國采招網》、《工 控行業網》、《電網與清潔能源》做宣傳廣告。 ◆ 在北京晚報、中國青年報、北京晨報、石家莊日報、天津日報、中國電力報、及北京電視臺等各大新聞媒介上發布廣告 ◆ 國際互聯網及電臺:中國電力信息港、慧聰電氣商務網、賽爾電力設備采購網、電力設備網、北極星電技術網、中國擬在建項目網發布展會信息及廣告內容。 ● 參展辦法 貴單位如欲報名參展,請與組委會索取《參展申請及合約》,填寫加章后傳真至 2012中國國際智能電網裝備及電力設備展覽會組委會: 聯系地址:北京市朝陽區東四環中路遠洋國際中心C座1301室 聯系電話:010-85863249 傳真號碼:010-65502626 E_mail:670515831@qq.com 聯系人:夏雨 13718207152 country China City Beijing Zip code 100028 Address 6 East Beisanhuan Road, Beijing China 2012 China International Electric PowerEquipment and Smart Grid Exhibition Date:August29-31, 2012 Venue: Beijing • China International Exhibition Sponsor: The Chinese power industry association China Energy Association Specially-invited Units: State Grid Corporation; Southern Power Grid Corporation China Guodian Group Corporation; China Huaneng Group Cooperation China Datang Group Corporation; China Huadian Group Corporation China Power Investment Group; Shenyang Transformer Research Institute Organizers: China Electrotechnical Society China Power Engineering Society Beijing Qifa Exhibition Service Co., Ltd Introduction Some developed countries all over the world vigorously develop and actively advocate the development of smart grid. Smart Grid is the new trend of world''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s power grid development, and can lead all aspects to use electricity more efficiently to realize energy saving and emission reduction. It can improve safety, reliability and stability highlighted in the existing power grid to a new level; and further demonstrates the active contribution of power grid on environment, economy and even the whole society. Furthermore smart grid is becoming the next engine driving the world economy. The State investment on power grid will be more than 4.3 trillion yuan during "Twelfth Five-Year" period, strong smart grid can be primary constructed and the objective of world first-class power grid can be primarily realized till 2015, the resource allocation capacity, operation efficiency, safety level and science and technology level of state power grid can enter international advanced level comprehensively, thereby causing dramatically increased demand on power transmission equipment and power automation, brining huge business opportunities to related enterprises of smart grid, and ushering a booming opportunity.2012 China International Electric Power Equipment and Smart Grid Exhibitionis scheduled to hold in Beijing China International Exhibition Centre onAugust29-31 of 2012 in order to be in line with rapid development and market demand of smart grid industry. A series of related seminars and forums will be conducted in corresponding period of exhibition, topics include the latest technology of smart grid, power automation technology, and so on, and industry experts will be invited to give a lecture, thereby providing a technical exchange platform on deeper level for smart grid enterprises to open up the power market. ● Conference Schedule Registration Exhibition Preparation:August27, 2012 (8:30-17:00) August28, 2012 (8:30-21:00) Exhibition:August29-31, 2012 (8:30 -16:30) ● Scope of Exhibition ■Grid Automation Technology and Equipment Network dispatching automation integration system; dispatching integrated data platform system, grid network security, distribution automation system, intelligent patrolling system, security & stability control system solution, power monitoring system and microcomputer-based relay protection, energy-storing technology and equipment, wide area measurement system, online grid stability monitoring system, intelligent reactive power compensation device for power distribution network, control software, transducer, master station, RTU, scheduling and simulation screen, communication exchanger, Ethernet exchanger, transmission technology and equipment, access equipment, data communications and network technology and related products, internal communication equipment, power line carries, auxiliary equipment and instruments, digital microwave transmission equipment, testing equipment and instruments, infrared thermal imager, power information system, power system simulation, power consumption control system, etc. ■Transmission and Distribution Equipment and Technology Power distribution automation system and protection devices, intelligent fast arc extinction and fast line selection system for power distribution network, intelligent medium and low voltage soft starter, line protection equipment, digital transformer station solution, flexible transmission system, energy-storage battery, super-conductive transmission cable, transformer, ultra high voltage transformer, digital transformer, sensor, frequency converter, reactor, circuit breaker, box-type substation, switch control device, low-voltage apparatus, infrared thermal imager, DC power supply, power protection device, cables and accessories, electric power fittings, power electronics, power capacitor, high-voltage fuse, lightning conductor, connector, fuci, insulator, insulation material, tower, bus bar, lead sleeve, and etc.; power transmission and distribution station safety device (electronic enclosure, infrared equipment, etc.); ■ Electric Energy Measurement and Electricity Consumption Control Master measurement automation station, intelligent ammeter and chips, intelligent centralized meter reading / long-distance meter reading system, electrical energy meter of various kind, measurement transformer, test equipment, automation meter reading system, metering panel, power consumption management system, electric energy measurement chip, wide area measurement and control system, electric energy quality equipment, electronic-type electric energy meter, measurement system, storage system, installation-type instruments, electric power measurement instruments, test transformer, AD/DC pressure divider, high pressure core phase detector, infrared thermal imager, switch cabinet and control box, etc. ●Exhibition Participation Fee Standard Booth Fee: (3m × 3m) Foreign enterprises:¢3,300 / booth, exhibition period; Basic price of open space (area not less than 36m2) Foreign enterprises:¢330 / m2 exhibition period; Standard booth fee: including exhibition space, 2.5m high wall plate, fascia board preparation, 9 sq.m. carpet, one negotiating table, two chairs, one 220V power socket and two fluorescent lamps. If exhibitor enterprises choose booths and double-opening booth, they should pay additional 20% booth fee, and registration fee is 500 yuan per person. (it is used for conference materials, lunch, souvenirs, etc.); and smooth ground costs include: exhibition venues, security, cleaning services (but without any configuration). ● Exhibition Participation Procedures The booth application form should be filled, and should be sent or faxed to convention organizing committee after being stamped. 50% or all of the exhibition participation fee should be transferred or paid to the organizing committee within one week since applying for the booths, the booth ordering distribution principal: "first application, first remittance and first arrangement", and the balance should be completely paid beforeJuly25, 2012, otherwise, the organizers will regard that the participates abandon exhibition. After organizers receive the "Exhibition Application Form" and the booth fee, they will send the invoice and "Exhibitor Manual" to exhibitors. Representative accommodation, product transportation and other matters should take the "Exhibitor Manual" as standards. The paid fee for exhibition will not be returned if exhibitors exit in the midway after signing up for participating in exhibition. ● Exhibition Journal and Other Advertisements The exhibition journals not only are widely sent to administrative department and related associations, and exhibition visitors during the convention, but also are sent to foreign and domestic industry systems, related distribution units, and so on. (Films should be provided by exhibitor enterprises themselves). Exhibition Journal Cover Back Cover Front cover andInside front cover Inside back cover Crossed colored-sheet Inner colored-sheet Black Page RMB ¥50000 ¥36000 ¥20000 ¥18000 ¥18000 ¥8000 ¥5000 Invitation Cards:RMB¥8000 / ten thousand Inflatable Arch:RMB¥8000 /day Admissions:RMB¥8000 /twenty thousand Air Balloons:RMB¥5000 /day Exhibitor pass and visiting certificate back exclusive advertisementRMB¥30000 ● Conference Activity Contents: Product exhibition, trade talks, technological exchange and academic discussion. Exhibitors can apply for holding technical exchanges, each venue fee:9,800 yuan of domestic enterprises,3000 U.S. dollars for foreign enterprises. (Time is 2 hours, and collecting fee according to one venue as for those less than two hours). ● Exhibition Propaganda Plan ◆ Organize domestic and foreign provincial power and high and low voltage electrical industry administrative department, all distribution units and related enterprises to go to Beijing for visiting exhibition. ◆ Directly invite industry system inner decision-making staffs, important buyers and large-scale users in domestic and neighboring foreign countries and places for visiting, negotiation and ordering through sixty thousand visiting invitation cards and thirty thousand visiting tickets. ◆ Publish propaganda advertisements in "Power Grid Technology", "Transformers", "Electrical World", "Power Supply Enterprise Management", "Electric Power Automation Equipment", "Electric Age", "China Power", "International Power", "Power Construction", "Huicong Electric Business", "Purcell Weather Vane", "Electrical Equipment", "China Power Electricity"," China Electric Expo", "Electrical Power Business", "Electrical Information", "Journal of Electrical Technology", "Electrical Trade Ads", "Electrical & Intelligent Building", "China Power Enterprise Management" and "China Power Industry". ◆Release advertisements in Beijing Evening News, China Youth Daily, Beijing Morning News, Shijiazhuang Daily, Tianjin Daily, China Electric Power News, Beijing TV and other major news media; ◆ Release exhibition information and advertising contents in International Internet and Radio Stations: China Electric Power Information Port, Huicong electrical business network, Purcell power equipment procurement network, power equipment network, Polaris Power Technology Network, China Planed and Under-construction Project Network; ● Exhibition Participation Methods If your unit plans to register for participating into the exhibition, please obtain ‘Exhibition Application and Contract’ from the organizing committee, and send it or fax it to: Beijing Qifa Exhibit service Co.,LTD Tel: 0086-10-85863249 Fax: 0086-10-65502626 Address:Room 1301, Building C, Yuanyang International Center, No. 60, East Fourth Ring middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing , Pc: 100025 Http:///www.epchina010.com E—mail:670515831@qq.com Linkman:Mr Xia 0086-13718207152


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