和田玉劃分成6類:白玉、綠松石、綠松石、碧玉、墨玉和糖玉,任意一個類別常有參考標準, 依照傳統分種類,和田玉按顏色和圖案劃分成8類:白玉、藍寶石、藍寶石、黃玉、墨玉、糖玉和花玉,紋理,質地是玉石質量的綜合表現,包含形狀、濕度、裂紋、雜質等,和田玉的礦物組成決定了其優良的質地 (1)由于它的粒度極細,質地極其細膩,古人稱之為“細致栗色”,不如另外玉器好, (2)溫潤滋澤,這就是說,它有油脂的光澤,給別人滋潤和柔軟的感受,古人稱之為“潤亮”,羊脂玉以像羊脂一樣子潤玉而聞名, (3)適度透明,就是說,“好水頭”是稍微透明的,切割的玉石看起來水汪汪的,充滿活力,困難,硬度是鑒定和田玉的重要標志之一。 2021年日本珠寶展 2021年東京珠寶配飾展 展會時間地址: 2021年1月20日-23日 日本東京有明展示中心 2021年5月13日-15日 日本神戶國際展示中心 2021年10月27日-29日 日本橫濱國際展示中心 展會概況: 日本最大最專業的珠寶展會,由日本珠寶協會創辦。日本珠寶展由日本珠寶協會于1993年創辦,該展會規模不斷擴大,而今已經發展成為亞洲,乃至世界較具影響力的珠寶展會之一。 展品范圍: 鉆石鑲嵌首飾,白金首飾,古董首飾,新娘首飾,鏈條/項鏈,寶石首飾,黃金首飾,男士首飾,品牌首飾,耳環,珍珠首飾,銀首飾,設計師首飾,服裝首飾,藝術品及工藝品等[寶石/松石]鉆石,藍寶石, 坦桑石,綠松石,貓眼,紅寶石,蛋白石,碧璽,瑪瑙,祖母綠,海藍寶石,帕拉依巴碧璽,亞歷山大等[松散的珍珠] Akoya珍珠,Keshi珍珠,Mabe珍珠,南海珍珠,淡水珍珠, 海螺珍珠等[其他寶石]琥珀,珊瑚,玉石,龜殼,浮雕,噴氣機,水晶,人造石等[珠寶相關產品]扣,空框架,零件,生產機械,工具,陳列柜/顯示器,商店設計,珠寶盒,改革相關產品,客戶管理系統,IT相關產品,安全/監控,珠寶維護商品,認證,咨詢,出版物等 1. Organize a group to attend the exhibition in Japan, and serve the exhibitors throughout the whole process. The team is in charge of international air tickets, invitation letters and visa procedures, hotel accommodation, catering, airport pick-up and drop-off, tour guide, driver, sightseeing and other one-stop services; 2. Upload the sample photos for the customers, and the exhibitors can provide the sample photos and publish them on the official website, so that the Japanese businessmen can know the product information of your company more directly and effectively, which is conducive to the sales in the Japanese market. 3. Provide services for exhibitors such as hiring of translators, leasing of exhibition equipment, freight transportation and transportation of exhibits; 4. Provide the exhibitors with consulting services such as Japanese market situation and foreign trade knowledge with Japanese customers; 5. Anyone who participates in the exhibition organized by our company can apply for the national subsidy. The subsidy amount of the exhibition is between 50% and 100%. 6. Our company is responsible for the whole process: booth arrangement, construction and decoration, exhibition equipment rental;Personnel visa, round-trip international air tickets, airport and airport, hotel accommodation, three meals a day, overseas car transfer, tourism, translation, driver guide and other one-stop service, so that you can easily participate in the exhibition, welcome the relevant enterprises to sign up! 參展聯系: 上海福貿展覽服務有限公司 上海全程展覽展示有限公司 地址:上海市蓮花南路1951號格蘭大廈403室 郵編:201108 聯系人:謝艷麗18616981016(同微信號) 電話:021-61200958 Q Q :1054348312 郵箱:1054348312@qq.com 我司組展優勢: 1、良好的攤位位置和價格優勢。 2、境外行程和酒店食宿等安排一向優惠合理便捷,得到廣大參展商和商務考察企業單位的一致好評! 3、常年操作外展經驗和熟悉當地國家情況的專業帶團人員。 4、從攤位確認到展臺搭建及展覽品運輸和商務簽證培訓與補貼辦理,公司一條龍的專業服務理念,打造展覽服務行業專業品牌!