市場概況: 日本是重要的農業國,農業相關市場規模在174億美元,其中肥料55億美元,農用化學品41億美元。全日本共有156萬戶農戶,市場需求非常巨大。因日本資源匱乏和產業結構問題,農業產品大量依賴進口,而其中大多數是從中國進口,部分產品進口依存度超過50%。 【我司組展亮點】: A、良好的攤位位置和價格優勢。 B、境外行程和酒店食宿等安排一向優惠合理便捷,全程四星或五星級豪華酒店,讓您盡享尊貴與專車接送,得到廣大參展商一致好評! C、常年操作外展經驗和熟悉當地國家情況的專業帶團人員。 D、從攤位確認到展臺搭建及展覽品運輸和商務簽證培訓與補貼辦理,公司一條龍的專業服務理念,打造展覽服務行業第一品牌! 【參展參觀詳情咨詢】: 上海福貿展覽服務有限公司 |上海全程展覽展示有限公司 地址:上海市蓮花南路1951號格蘭大廈403室 聯系人:謝小姐18616981016(同微信) 電話:021-61200958 QQ:1054348312 郵箱:1054348312@qq.com What is Next Generation Agriculture Expo Tokyo (AGRINEXT TOKYO)? Japan's prominent scale exhibition for agricultural/horticultural industry. IT solutions for agriculture, Drones, Plant factory products & technologies Photovoltaic generation systems, etc., the latest technologies will be showcased all under one roof. Visitors from the relevant areas will turn the show to a venue of numerous lively business meetings. ? Show Name 7th Next Generation Agriculture Expo Tokyo (AGRINEXT TOKYO)
? Organiser Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.
? Dates Oct. 14 (Wed) - 16 (Fri), 2020 10:00 - 18:00 (last day until 17:00)
? Venue Makuhari Messe, Japan
We organise a specialised area for agricultural machinery in AGRI WEEK, where 720* exhibitors showcasing all kinds of agricultural materials and machinery. This is the best place to promote your products and have business dealings with 50,000* visitors from all over Japan who are involved in the industry, agricultural corporations, farmers and agricultural cooperatives. Furthermore, you can meet with agricultural machinery shops, retailers dealing agricultural materials, wholesale dealers at once.